
Myton School

Building Use

Classrooms and Welfare Buildings

Project Duration

1 month

Procurement Method


Why Hire?

Project Features

  • Waste, steel plate foundations
  • 160 tonne crane with extra ballast required for install from ABA Cranes
  • Fire alarms
  • Emergency lighting
  • Intruder alarms
  • DDA compliant ramps and steps
  • Full Building Control
  1. Requirements

    With only days to go before students returned to Myton School for the start of the new academic year (Sept 2023), the school was ordered to shut 30% of its teaching accommodation due to the discovery of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in one of their main school buildings. After lessons learned during the Covid pandemic, Myton staff were determined to keep their students in face-to-face education and needed a quick, emergency solution to protect in person teaching and learning.

  2. Solution

    At any one time, Portakabin was managing up to 30 contractors on the Myton School site to ensure the tight programme was met. Myton School was featured heavily in BBC reporting of the RAAC crisis, and all eyes were on Portakabin to deliver. The project involved the team working in three separate areas of the school to deliver the 31 buildings, which required detailed organisation with the school to avoid lesson changeovers as well as school start and finish time.

Portakabin worked swiftly and effectively with Myton School to deliver emergency classroom accommodation and welfare units in a very short period of time. The closure of RAAC affected school accommodation occurred on 1 September 2023. Due to the accelerated nature of the solution from Portakabin, Myton School was able to minimise disruption to learning with all students back in classrooms by the end of October 2023.

Jane Burrows, Finance Director, Myton School
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